Our adult mental health social prescription service for people in Stirling has been running since 2003.
Artspace is Artlink Centrals’ dedicated arts programme working with adult participants with diagnosed mental health problems across Stirling.
About Artspace
The programme is designed to support participants in a “pathways to recovery” approach for their mental health, and has been commissioned by Stirling Council Social Care in partnership with NHS Forth Valley, Livilands Resource Centre, and is led by Aya Iguchi-Sherry, development artist at Artlink Central.
Our programme provides a safe environment for participants to engage and participate and develop their arts practice and to engage with professionals and organisations working within culture. The programme works across arts, in sessions you work with a professional arts practitioner to learn new skills and take on personal projects or set your own personal goal plan.
The programme includes the opportunity if you choose, to exhibit, perform, write and to take part in national festivals such as the Scottish Mental Health Arts and Film Festival. You do not need to have any arts experience to join the programme.
The programme is an evaluated service and information gathered at the programme is reported back to Stirling Council’s Social Care and Commissioning team who commission this service and shared with NHS Community Mental Health Services.
A visual art programme is currently offered in a block of 8 - 10 weeks on a Tuesday afternoon in Stirling.
The sessions offer the chance to meet new people and relax in a safe environment, gain confidence, build resilience, learn new skills, and meet new people.
Participants must either self-refer or be referred to be allocated a place. For further information or a referral pack please email or call 01786 450 971 or make an enquiry below.
Work by our Artspace participants
Reclaiming Our Heritage
Scottish Mental Health Arts Festival (SMHAF)
As part of the 2022 Scottish Mental Health Arts Festival, Artspace participants along with development artist Aya Iguchi-Sherry participated in Zine-making workshops, exploring the history of Mental health and art as part of the Reclaiming Our Heritage project.
The outcome of the project can be further explored here, with resources available including Zine-making guides for groups and individuals!
Artspace @ FVRH
May 5th - June 17th 2020 | Forth Valley Royal Hospital
Artworks by our @artspace_social participants was exhibited in Artlink Centrals’ collective exhibition ‘Re-Connect’ at Forth Valley Royal Hospital as part of the Scottish Mental Health Arts Festival 2022.