By donating to Artlink Central, you can make a real difference to the lives of those coping with illness, disability or disadvantage.
You can help Artlink Central make a difference to the lives those excluded from participating in the arts by illness or disability.
£5 could pay for the art materials for one child with additional support needs to participate in a visual art session
£10 could pay for a watercolour sketchbook for a dementia patient
£15 could pay for a volunteer’s travel costs to support a project with long-stay hospital patients
£25 could pay for a bag of clay for a participatory ceramics session involving offenders
£50 could pay for 4 ukuleles for a participatory music session
£100 could pay for an artist, musician or drama worker to deliver one participatory session for people with learning disabilities
If you would like to donate online, please click one of the donation buttons above to do so.
Do something awesome today!
Leaving A Legacy To Artlink Central
After taking care of loved ones, many people opt to leave something in their Will to a charity or charities of their choice. It allows you to make sure the causes close to your heart benefit from your estate.
Please see our Legacy section if you are considering leaving a gift in your Will.